APAC DNS Forum 2025 Pre-Event Webinars
Building Online Presence – Domain Names as Critical Digital Assets
Date/ Time: Mar 2025 (TBC)
This session is conducted in partnership with Corporation Service Company (CSC) and the International Trademark Association (INTA).
Session Description
Why are domain names important as part of building an online presence? Why is it important to manage domain names as part of a business’ digital asset?
This session will share the value of domain names, featuring success cases from speakers representing multinational companies. Panelists will discuss the potential business opportunities, as well as other key aspects such as brand management and Intellectual Property (IP) protection, in relation to a well-managed portfolio of domain names.
This pre-event webinar will provide an overview towards session 1A at the APAC DNS Forum 2025.
WSIS+20 Review in 2025
Date/ Time Apr 2025 (TBC)
Session Description
Why is the WSIS+20 Review relevant and important to the APAC region?
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is an United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) – level process focused on global ICT governance and development, covering topics such as Internet governance, the communications enabling environment, digital transformation and development, universal and meaningful connectivity, ICT infrastructure, media, capacity building, and emerging ICTs. UN Member States, including those from the APAC region, will consider the 20-year review of the WSIS (i.e. WSIS+20) at the UN Headquarters in New York in late-2025.
The outcomes of the WSIS+20 Review has the potential to impact globally, including (among others) the current multistakeholder model of Internet governance, or the future of digital transformation and, progress on achieving universal and meaningful connectivity in the APAC region. Therefore, facilitating dialogues to improve regional engagement and collaboration leading up to the preparatory process is important. To equip stakeholders to participate actively in the APAC DNS Forum 2025, this pre-event webinar seeks to provide participants with background information and the necessary resources.