APAC DNS Forum 2025
Event Overview
The Asia Pacific Domain Name System Forum (APAC DNS Forum) 2025 will take place from 8-9 May 2025 at the InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72 in Hanoi, Viet Nam. Organized by ICANN, with the Viet Nam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC) serving as the local host, the theme for this year’s event is “An Inclusive Internet: Connecting People, Empowering Our Future.” The APAC DNS Forum 2025 will convene DNS industry practitioners and experts from the APAC region to learn about essential topics, connect, and share best practices.
As we continue to strengthen the Forum as a networking platform, the event will kickstart with a networking session on 7 May 2025 (Day 0). The 2025 Forum also features sub-events as part of the program in collaboration with regional partners such as the “GoCreate! Domain Innovations” sessions hosted by DotAsia Organization, as well as partnership sessions with industry players such as NetBeacon Institute and CSC.
This year, the Forum will be co-located with the 2025 Contracted Parties Summit (6-7 May) and the Universal Acceptance Day (8 May, concurrent with the Forum).
The Forum will be held as a hybrid event, allowing participants to attend either in-person or virtually. Registration will be open till 28 April 2025; 23:59 UTC.
Pre-event Webinars
Two pre-event webinars will be conducted between March and April on topics of interest in relation to the Forum. Visit the pre-event webinars page here.
Programme Schedule
(Updated as of 3 Feb 2025)
Day Zero , 7 May 2025 (Wednesday), UTC+7
Event Venue: InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72
APAC ccTLDs Session (Closed Session) (TBC)
APAC ccTLDs Session (Closed Session)
APAC GAC Network Meeting (Closed Session) (TBC)
APAC GAC Network Meeting (Closed Session)
This session is part of APAC GAC network regular meetings to provide GAC members from the APAC region the opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas on topics of interest.
Networking Reception: Contracted Parties x APAC Community Meetup
Networking Reception: Contracted Parties x APAC Community Meetup
This is a networking social with free flow drinks along with informal “matchmaking games” for participants from various levels of ICANN familiarity and from different regions and countries to get to know each other, especially those from the Asia Pacific. This is the best opportunity for registries. and registrars to meet prospective resellers, registrants, and new gTLD applicants from Asia Pacific.
Day One, 8 May 2025 (Thursday), UTC+7
Event Venue: InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72
APAC DNS Forum 2025 Opening Ceremony
APAC DNS Forum 2025 – Opening Ceremony

Samiran GUPTA
Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement and Managing Director, Asia Pacific, ICANN
APAC DNS Forum 2025 Opening Plenary
APAC DNS Forum 2025 Opening Plenary: An Inclusive Internet – Connecting People, Empowering Our Future
How can we build an inclusive Internet together?
This session will discuss the outlook for the future of the Internet and domain name space. Panelists will share current initiatives and upcoming opportunities in bringing the next billion Internet users online. The session will also discuss potential challenges and explore corresponding collaboration opportunities, empowering building of the future Internet we want.
Tea Break
UA Day 2025 Opening Remarks
UA Day 2025 Opening Remarks
UA Day 2025 Plenary: Enabling Digital Inclusion for the Next Billion Internet Users
UA Day 2025 Plenary: Enabling Digital Inclusion for the Next Billion Internet Users
Track A
Track B
Session 1A: Domain Names as Critical Infrastructure – Will It Be Replaced By Emerging Technologies?
Session 1B: Internationalized Domain Names – A Gateway for Multilingual Internet
Tea break
Session 2A: [GoCreate! Domain Innovations] New Ways of Using Domains
Session 2B: Universal Acceptance – Enabling an Inclusive and Accessible Internet
Tea Break
Plenary 1: New gTLD Program – Next Round
Plenary 1: New gTLD Program- Next Round
The New Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLD) Program in 2012 enabled the expansion of the Domain Name System (DNS) through the introduction of new top-level domains. The next round of applications (Next Round) targeted to open in Q2 2026 will further the expansion of the DNS.
This plenary will discuss the plan for the Next Round with representation from a variety of languages/scripts as well as geographic and ethnic diversity. The plenary will highlight use cases, featuring successful stories on how different gTLDs are used. Panelists will also share what it looks like to operate a gTLD.
18:00 (TBC)
Welcome Social (TBC)
Welcome Social (TBC)
Dress Code
Session 1A: Domain Names as Critical Infrastructure – Will It Be Replaced By Emerging Technologies
Domain names act as unique identifiers on the Internet, and serve as a critical infrastructure allowing users to access the correct website online. With emerging technologies such as blockchain names, Artificial Intelligence, mobile applications, will domain names still be useful?
This session will discuss why domain names as digital assets are still essential towards building a strong online presence. Panelists will share the implications of emerging technologies in relation to the use of domain names, and explore how these interactions could enhance business and economic opportunities.
Session 1B: Internationalized Domain Names – A Gateway for Multilingual Internet
This session will discuss the value and benefits of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), increasing business opportunities, digital inclusion and enhancing cybersecurity. Panelists will also discuss the role of IDNs in bringing billions of users online for the communities across the globe, including through the New gTLD Program: Next Round. The session will share past and existing community work on IDNs, and explore how we can further such collaboration across the region.
Session 2B: Universal Acceptance – Enabling an Inclusive and Accessible Internet
Session 2A: [GoCreate! Domain Innovations] New Ways of Using Domains
This brainstorming session will explore new ways in which domain names, and the Domain Name System, are used technically and in the market – as potential drivers for the next round of new gTLDs. An introduction to some of the new uses of domain names (e.g. crypto-wallets, drone identification, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, credentials, etc.) by professionals in the respective areas will kick start the brainstorming session.
Participants will then break out into 2-4 small groups, anchored by the professionals/speakers, to further brainstorm new usage areas. Participants will report back on the ideas, challenges, and insights explored.
Session 4B: [GoCreate! Domain Innovations] Getting Hooked on Domains
There is at least anecdotal evidence that domain registrants who begin to utilize more than one domain name tend to accumulate further domain registrations over time. This session will explore ways registries and registrars may be able to tap into this insight to get registrants hooked on to domains, and to grow their portfolio of domains under management (DUM).
The introduction will include several speakers from entrepreneurs and registrants who have regularly built their domain portfolio registering a multitude of domain names. The panel will also include sharing of marketing ideas from registries and registrars to inspire such portfolio registrations. This will flow into the rountable discussion to tease out the opportunities and challenges of getting registrants hooked for more domain names – especially its implications on the next round of new gTLDs.
Session 4A: Evolving Internet Regulatory Landscape in APAC
This session aims to discuss recent legislation/regulation trends and developments in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. Featuring speakers from different stakeholder groups, panelists will share ongoing Internet related challenges in the region, explore the reactionary legislation/regulations, and examine the likely impact of these legislation/regulations. The session will also attempt to look into the future and predict future legislation/regulations trends in 2025 and beyond. The panellists will attempt to identify potential areas for increased collaboration and harmonization across the region.
Session 3B: Building Next Generation Leaders in the Internet Governance Ecosystem
Ever wondered how you can participate in shaping the future of the Internet? This session will feature next generation youth leaders in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, sharing their experiences from participating in their first Internet Governance (IG) capacity building program, to how they grew towards leading IG related initiatives. Panelists will also share challenges throughout their journey, as well as their “wishlist” on potential support from the IG community.
Session 3A: Collective Efforts Towards Strengthening DNS Security
This session will discuss the landscape of DNS abuse and security threats, and explore how the community can collectively work towards strengthening DNS security. Regional and global speakers will share current tools and initiatives for mitigating and addressing DNS abuse/security threats. The session also aims to identify gaps and potential avenues for the APAC community to better collaborate and innovate DNS security solutions with other regions.
Session 5B: A Dialogue on DNS Operational Best Practices
This session will focus on sharing of Domain Name System (DNS) operational best practices. DNS experts will come together to discuss current best practices and how such practices are essential towards strengthening the DNS infrastructure. The session will also explore how the regional community can better work together with the global technical community on these aspects.
Session 5A: Expanding Trusted Notifier Network in APAC
Further to the info and blog sharing from Trusted Notifier pioneers in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, this session aims to explore how we can further expand Trusted Notifier arrangements within and beyond the region.
Could such arrangements expand beyond a bilateral agreement? Why is it important to extend these arrangements beyond registries and registrars? Panelists will discuss the impacts from Trusted Notifier agreements, and why it is an important mechanism towards effectively tackling DNS abuse/security threats.

Adrian Wan
Senior Manager, Policy & Advocacy, Internet Society
Adrian Wan is Senior Manager, Policy & Advocacy at the Internet Society. Based in Singapore, he focuses on issues affecting the Internet’s openness, connectivity, trustworthiness, and security, with an emphasis on Asia-Pacific. A former business journalist based in Hong Kong and Beijing, he found interest in Internet policy and standards and has worked in organizations including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Microsoft, and Huawei. He was an Obama Leader Asia-Pacific in 2022.

Sarmad Hussain
Senior Director, IDN and UA Programs, ICANN
Sarmad Hussain is with ICANN’s Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) and Universal Acceptance (UA) Programs. Earlier, Sarmad was a professor of Computer Science and held the IDRC Chair position in Multilingual Computing. His research has focused on developing computing solutions for Asian languages, including research in linguistics, localization, speech processing, and computational linguistics. He was an active member of the ICANN community before joining ICANN – he was engaged in the IDN ccTLD application for Pakistan, and was a member of ICANN’s Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC).

Sally Costerton
Sr. Advisor to President and SVP, Global Stakeholder Engagement & Interim President and CEO, ICANN
Sally is an experienced global leader. She has served as Senior Advisor to the President and Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) since 2012, and is also currently serving as ICANN’s Interim President and Chief Executive Officer. In her role, she is responsible for ICANN’s international offices and internationalization strategy. Her direct reports include the regional office managing directors and regional vice presidents, as well as the vice presidents of Meetings and Public Responsibility Support (PRS). Most recently, Sally led the development phase of the ICANN Grant Program, the Emergency Support Infrastructure Project and ICANN organization’s contributions to the Anti-Harassment Board Working Group. Under the GSE function, she leads the GSE, Meetings, and Public Responsibility Support teams.
Prior to joining ICANN, Sally led one of Europe’s largest public relations firms, Hill & Knowlton, as EMEA CEO. In this role, she was responsible for more than 1,000 staff members in 33 offices. Throughout her career, Sally has worked with diverse international companies and senior leaders to maximize their resources and build strong relationships with their stakeholders. She is an experienced Board Director, including roles as Board Chair.

Sylvia Cadena
Head of Programs and Partnerships, APNIC Foundation
After ten years managing the Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) at APNIC, Sylvia was appointed Head of Programs at the APNIC Foundation in December 2016. As Head of Programs and Partnerships, Sylvia works on the management, design and implementation of collaborative programs and projects to expand APNIC Foundation activities in the region including the ISIF Asia program, one of the region’s most established Internet development programs, as well as the Seed Alliance, which supported innovative Internet development across the global south.
Over her 25 years of experience in Internet Development in Latin America and Asia Pacific, Sylvia’s work has focused on the strategic use of the Internet for development with an emphasis on capacity building and infrastructure deployment. Since her early years as a UN Volunteer, she has worked across the multistakeholder spectrum of organizations with technical, training and advisory roles, mainly about information systems, access provision and innovation coordinating projects and team across the global south.
She has served in many selection committees and working groups focused such as the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group of the Internet Governance appointed by the UN Secretary General, the ICANN CCWG on new gTLD auction proceeds, the APrIGF Multi-stakeholder Steering Group and the Policy Network on Meaningful Access among others.

Samiran Gupta
Vice President, Government and IGO Engagement, APAC and Stakeholder Engagement, South Asia, ICANN
Samiran is Vice President, Government and Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Engagement for the APAC region, and Stakeholder Engagement South Asia.
Before rejoining ICANN in October 2023, Samiran was Senior Director of Global Government Affairs for India and South Asia with Twitter/X Corp. Samiran previously served as ICANN’s Head of Stakeholder Engagement in South Asia from September 2014 until February 2022.
Samiran brings an extensive business strategy and public policy consulting background in sectors including telecom, entertainment, fintech, e-commerce, social media, and energy and renewables.
Samiran has a Master’s in Business Administration from St Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, United States of America, and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Calcutta, India.

Jennifer Chung
Director of Corporate Knowledge, DotAsia Organisation
Jennifer Chung is the Director of Corporate Knowledge for DotAsia Organisation. She represents .Asia Registry at ICANN and is a GNSO councilor for the RySG. She headed the ICG Secretariat that oversaw the IANA stewardship transfer from the US government to the global multistakeholder community.
Ms. Chung was appointed to the IGF MAG (2018-2020), and the 2022 Expert Working Group that developed recommendations on strengthening the IGF. She heads the IGFSA Secretariat which provides support to the IGF and grants seed funding to National, Regional and Youth Initiatives. She serves in the Asia Pacific Regional IGF Secretariat and works towards amplifying Asia Pacific contributions on Internet governance.
Ms. Chung is on the ISIF.asia Selection Committee that awards grants for research and technical solutions supporting Internet development in Asia Pacific. She works on Internationalized Domain Names policies and supports efforts to achieve Universal Acceptance, a foundational requirement for a multilingual Internet.

Amrita Choudhury
Director of CCAOI
Amrita Choudhury is an active participant in national and global digital policy and internet governance discussions. She serves as the Director of CCAOI, Chair Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA), Chair, Asia Pacific Regional At Large Structure (APRALO) at ICANN, Chair Asia Pacific Regional IGF (AprIGF), President of Internet Society India Delhi Chapter. Amrita has co-founded the India School on Internet Governance (inSIG) and is a Coordination Committee member of the IndiaIGF (IIGF). She advises youth initiatives such as Youth IGF India. She has in the past served as a UN IGF MAG Member.
For more details visit: https://in.linkedin.com/in/amrita-choudhury-b0865511/

Ian Sheldon
Director, Internet Governance, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Australia
Ian Sheldon is the Director of the Internet Governance team, in the Australian Government’s Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts. Ian is the Australian GAC representative at ICANN, and covers a breadth of Internet related issues across various fora, including ICANN, APNIC, IGF and the ITU. Ian has a depth of experience across both private and public sectors, and has worked on a range of public policy issues, including research, strategy and foresighting, telecommunications, and employment and workplace relations. Ian currently co-chairs the GAC Operating Principles Evolution working group and Commonwealth GAC group, and co-facilitates the APAC GAC group.

Pitinan Kooarmornpatana
IDN Programs Sr. Manager, ICANN
Pitinan Kooarmornpatana joined ICANN in August 2017 and serves as an Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) Programs Senior Manager. Her role focuses on facilitating various script communities to develop Label Generation Rules proposals for the root zone and for references at the second level. She also supports IDN-related policy developments at ICANN. Pitinan is passionate about enabling the effective and efficient use of information technology for everyone through technology localization.

Alban Kwan
Head of Corporate Development and Strategic Alliances, APAC, CSC
Alban Kwan is the APAC head of Corporate Development and Strategic Alliances for CSC. He has been with CSC’s Digital Brand Services business and affiliated companies since 2009. Alban has developed a deep understanding of online brand protection, digital assets management, and cyber security, specifically for the Asia-Pacific region, and he advises top global and local companies. Alban frequently engages with local policy makers and is often invited to speak at conferences, where he shares his invaluable insight on brand protection, security, and local policies affecting businesses.

Kenny Huang
TWNIC Board Chair and APNIC EC Chair
Dr. Kenny Huang is a leading figure in Internet communities across Asia. Since the early years of Taiwan’s Internet development, he has contributed significantly to building a better Internet environment in Taiwan. Due to his extensive knowledge and experience, he has been invited to take up leading roles in many Internet organizations, including APNIC executive council chair, TWNIC board chair, and PIR board director (.org registry).
Dr. Huang’s contributions are particularly acknowledged in the development of Internet technology. He is one of the authors of IETF RFC3743, co-chair of ICANN CGP (Chinese LGR for the root zone), chair of ccNSO ccPDP4 WG, and advisory council member of DotAsia.
Dr. Huang has also been deeply involved in digital policy in Taiwan. He is a consultative committee member of the ICDF (International Cooperation and Development Fund), committee member of the telecommunications universal service fund of MoDA, committee member of the critical infrastructure protection program of the Executive Yuan, advisory committee member of the cybercrime prevention center of the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office, and an ICT expert of NSTC (National Science & Technology Council).
Dr. Huang holds a Ph.D. in MIS from National Chengchi University, an MSc in Scientific Computing from South Bank Polytechnic London, and a BEng from Tamkang University.

Manju CHEN
Manager, National InformaNational Information Infrastructure Enterprise Promotion Association (NIIEPA)
Manju Chen is a manager at the National Information Infrastructure Enterprise Promotion Association (NIIEPA). She has been conducting and leading researches regarding Internet Governance practices and policies since she joined NIIEPA in 2018. She also co-directs various projects that aims to expand and deepen Taiwanese engagement in the regional and global Internet Governance community.
Manju Chen currently serves on the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council, representing the Noncommercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG). She actively participates in local, regional, and global Internet Governance discussions and is often invited to speak at conferences and capacity-building workshops, where she shares her insight on youth engagement, security, and domain name polices.

Boyoung Kim
Deputy General Researcher, KISA
Boyoung Kim is a Deputy General Researcher at KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency), with expertise in international relations and Internet governance. She has been involved in developing domestic and international policies for domain name and Internet governance while representing Korea in GAC, ccNSO of ICANN community for the last 10 years.
Recently, she leads the youth capacity building project in Korea. She collaborates with Korean academia to develop text books, college courses, research groups and youth groups. She also takes a leadership role in the Asia-Pacific region through the APTLD and DotAsia Boards.

Yash Agarwal
Stakeholder Engagement Manager, South Asia, ICANN
Yash Agarwal joined ICANN recently as the Global Stakeholder Manager for South Asia, based out of New Delhi. He has worked for the Indian Parliament, Twitter and consulting firms in the past and has an educational background in communications.
When not at work, Yash spends time mostly reading, playing tennis, brewing coffee, travelling or exploring the experiences New Delhi has to offer on the weekends!

Champika Wijayatunga
Regional Technical Engagement Sr. Manager, ICANN
Champika Wijayatunga is the Regional Technical Engagement Sr. Manager for Asia Pacific at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). He is part of ICANN’s Office of the CTO and represents ICANN in Technical, Security, Law Enforcement and Capacity Building forums primarily in the APAC region.
Prior to ICANN, Champika held managerial, specialist, and liaison roles at Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) where he was instrumental in building the APNIC training unit and its capacity building program. Champika started his career with IBM Corporation as a technical specialist, and later worked in the IT industry, academia, research, and training environments. Champika has been regular speaker at various technical and security forums and also received a number of excellence awards during his academic and professional careers.
Champika holds a postgraduate degree in Computer Science & Engineering, as well as professional education qualifications in Cybersecurity. He also serves in various technical community groups and committees.

Hiro Hotta
Board Member & Senior Executive Vice President, JPRS
Hiro Hotta is a Board Member and also Senior Executive Vice President of JPRS, which runs .jp ccTLD. He has over 20 years of experience in domain name industry and is currently responsible for business planning and stakeholder communication of JPRS.
He has been actively participated and lead discussions in ICANN. He was among the first DNSO Names Councilors of ICANN in 1999. After he joined JPRS, he served as a ccNSO Councilor for 16 years until 2020. He is currently a member of the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) representing M-Root DNS server operator.
In 2017, he received ICANN Multistakeholder Ethos Award, especially by being acknowledged for his contribution to IDN development and deployment.

Jayce Yeo
Senior Director, APAC, CSC
Jayce Yeo is the APAC regional director of CSC with over 15 years of industry experience. She has spearheaded the APAC enterprise account management team in the Oceania since 2007, and has continued its regional expansion. Today, CSC Asia’s presence is represented by its established footprint in Australia, Greater China, Japan, and Singapore. Jayce is instrumental in consulting corporations in protecting digital assets across key channels and specializes in engaging senior stakeholders from cross-functional disciplines such as legal, security, IT, and marketing.

Devesh Tyagi
Chief Executive Officer, NIXI
Dr. Devesh Tyagi is the Chief Executive Officer of National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) since 19th July 2023 as an additional charge in addition to his regular assignment as Senior Director with Software Technology Parks of India (STPI). He has more than 31 years of experience in IT/ESDM sector. He has been actively involved in the promotion of IT/ESDM sector and also working for the promotion of entrepreneurship, innovation, and product creation in the country. He has also been involved in various policy formations for IT/ESDM sector. Prior to joining STPI, he served National Informatics Centre (NIC) in various capacities. He has a wide range of experience in Project Management and Software development. He possesses strong technical capabilities and delivered a lot of remarkable projects during this period. He has earned his Doctorate degree from SHUATS, Allahabad.

Sophia Feng
Deputy General Manager, Internet Domain Name System Beijing Engineering Research Center LLC (ZDNS)
Feng Shuo (Sophia Feng) is the Deputy General Manager of Internet Domain Name System Beijing Engineering Research Center LLC (ZDNS). She led the construction and operation of the largest cloud service platform for New gTLDs in Asia. She has been deeply involved in the 2012 round of ICANN New gTLD application, helping many well-known enterprises to successfully apply for brand TLDs.

Chaoyi Lu
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace, Tsinghua University
Chaoyi Lu is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace, Tsinghua University. His research areas lie in network security and Internet measurement, with particular interests in the Domain Name System (DNS) and other infrastructure. He has published papers at top academic venues and is a recipient of the IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP).

Wang Lang
Deputy Director of the Institute of Policy and International Cooperation, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)
Mr. WANG Lang works in China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). He is currently the Deputy Director of the Institute of Policy and International Cooperation.
He has devoted himself in domain name industry for more than 20 years. Familiar with Domain Name System (DNS), Shared Registry System (SRS), and Registration Data Directory Services (RDDS, or WHOIS) technologies, he organized and participated in the design, development, testing and verification of EPP SRS and RDDS systems of “.CN” ccTLD.
He also has close ties with other ICANN communities and proactively engages himself in Internet governance relevant communities, such as IGF, ITU and IETF, etc. He leads his team to track global Internet governance trends and conducts researches on Internet governance issues.
Day Two, 9 May 2025 (Friday), UTC+7
Event Venue: InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72
Plenary 2: WSIS+20 Review – Preserving Our Inclusive Internet
Plenary 2: WSIS+20 Review – Preserving Our Inclusive Internet
Is the APAC region ready for WSIS+20 Review? What can the APAC community do to help preserve key aspects of WSIS that are critical to the Internet and its inclusivity?
Panellists will discuss important aspects of the Internet that came out of the WSIS process, such as the multistakeholder model of Internet Governance and the establishment of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), and examine the potential impact of WSIS+20 Review to the APAC region. The panellists will also discuss ways on how the APAC community can actively participate in the WSIS+20 Review preparatory process.
This session will include a brief open floor segment for audience input.
Tea Break
Plenary 3: A Technical Discussion on the Namespace Evolution
Plenary 3: A Technical Discussion on the Namespace Evolution
This plenary will focus on a technical discussion on emerging identifier technologies. With the expansion of the Domain Name System (DNS) through the New gTLD Program: Next Round, how will these technologies interact with the DNS? Come hear from our experts on how these systems work, and discuss the future of identifiers.
Track A
Track B
Session 3A: Collective Efforts Towards Strengthening DNS Security
Session 3B: Building Next Generation Leaders in the Internet Governance Ecosystem
Tea Break
Session 4A: Evolving Internet Regulatory Landscape in APAC
Session 4B: [GoCreate! Domain Innovations] Getting Hooked on Domains
Tea Break
Session 5A: Expanding Trusted Notifier Network in APAC
Session 5B: A Dialogue on DNS Operational Best Practices
Event End

Samiran Gupta
Play a part to shape global digital transformation and amplify your brand’s impact at the APAC DNS Forum 2025! The 2025 Forum offers significant opportunities for sponsors to elevate their presence among a broader audience with the co-location of three events this year (the APAC DNS Forum 2025 together with the Contracted Parties (CP) Summit and Universal Acceptance (UA) Day).
Here’s what you’ll gain:
- Grow Your Network: Forge meaningful connections with like-minded professionals, entrepreneurs, and attendees to inspire collaboration and future opportunities.
- Enhance Brand Recognition: Establish your company as a prominent player in business ventures and boost your visibility on the regional and international stage.
- Showcase Your Business: Share your expertise across multiple platforms, including thought leadership discussions, networking sessions, and dynamic interactions with panelists and participants.
- Engage with Industry Experts: Collaborate with leading policymakers, technical specialists, and business professionals committed to driving economic growth through digital economy initiatives.
Support the Digital Economy Movement: Play a pivotal role in advancing efforts to foster digital inclusion and innovation, as well as economic progress.
Don’t let this opportunity pass—become a sponsor today by contacting us at apachub@icann.org.
APAC DNS Forum 2025 Sponsorship Benefits
Diamond Sponsor |
USD 10,000 |
● One speaker slot* ● One premium exhibition space outside the main ballroom. ● Distinct recognition at APAC DNS Forum 2025 Opening Ceremony ● Prominent logo placement on event website (large) including sponsors’ showcase: 100 words company profile and short video highlighting products and services ● Logo on event backdrops as diamond sponsor ● Display of four company pull-up banners at event venue ● Opportunity to provide company branded materials to conference participants *Speaker slots are subject to availability, on a first-come-first served basis. |
Platinum Sponsor | USD 8,000 |
● One premium exhibition space outside the main ballroom. ● Distinct recognition at APAC DNS Forum 2025 Opening Ceremony ● Prominent logo placement on event website (large) including sponsors showcase: 100 words company profile and short video highlighting products and services ● Logo on event backdrops as platinum sponsor ● Display of three company pull-up banners at event venue ● Opportunity to provide company branded materials to conference participants |
Gold Sponsor | USD 5,000 |
● One exhibition space outside the main ballroom ● Recognition as sponsor at APAC DNS Forum 2025 Opening Ceremony ● Logo display on the event website as gold sponsor ● Logo on event backdrops as gold sponsor ● Display of two company pull-up banners at event venue ● Opportunity to provide company branded materials to conference participants |
Community Sponsor | USD 2,000 |
● Recognition as sponsor at APAC DNS Forum 2025 Opening Ceremony ● Logo display on the event website as community sponsor ● Logo on event backdrops as community sponsor ● Display of one company pull-up banner at event venue ● Opportunity to provide company branded materials to conference participants |
Sponsorship Package Terms and Conditions:
- Benefits listed in this sponsorship package apply exclusively to the 2025 APAC DNS Forum and UA Day events scheduled to take place from 8 to 9 May 2025.
- All materials provided by sponsors, including company branded items intended for distribution to event participants, are subject to approval by the organizing committee.
- Sponsors must provide their company logos and materials by the stipulated deadline provided by the organizing committee to ensure inclusion in event materials.
- While we will make every effort to avoid changes, the organizing committee reserves the right to amend the sponsorship package if necessary. Sponsors will be notified of any changes promptly.
Visitor Information
Entry Requirements
Please verify Viet Nam’s visa requirements for your passport on the official Viet Nam government website and apply for an e-visa if needed at: https://evisa.gov.vn.
Noi Bai International Airport and Transportation
Noi Bai International Airport is the gateway to Hanoi with its International Terminal located at Terminal 2 (Map of Terminal 2). The distance between the airport to our event venue at the InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72 is about 30km and will take approximately 40 – 50 minutes by car, depending on traffic conditions.
Recommended options for airport transfer include:
- Airport Taxis are available at the airport taxi stands located at Terminal 2, Column No.5
- Ride Hailing Apps such as Grab and Gojek are available in Hanoi
- Private Car Service/ Hotel Transfer can be booked via your hotel concierge
May in Hanoi marks the beginning of the summer season with lush greenery thriving in the early summer rains. Daytime temperatures typically range between 32–34°C (90–94°F) and nights are around 24–25°C (75–77°F). Expect also increased rainfall which is usually short and intense.
To prepare for your visit, pack light, breathable fabrics like cotton and linen to keep you cool and comfortable. A compact umbrella will also be handy for the sudden showers.
Power Plugs and Voltages
Viet Nam uses Type A, Type C, and Type F plugs:
- Type A: Two flat parallel pins
- Type C: Two round pins
- Type F: Two round pins with two grounding clips on the side
Voltage: 220V
Frequency: 50Hz
Currency and Payments
The official currency is the Vietnamese Dong (VND). Credit cards are accepted and ATMs are widely available. However, carry cash for convenience as some places, especially local stores will only accept cash.
Safety and Security in Hanoi
Hanoi is renowned for its vibrant culture and welcoming atmosphere. However, like any major city, it is important to stay vigilant regarding petty crime, public health concerns, and new regulations in effect.
- Traffic Safety: Road traffic in major cities, including Hanoi, can be heavy, especially during peak hours. This may pose safety risks for those unfamiliar with local traffic patterns. Travellers are strongly encouraged to use reliable taxi services available at the hotel, airport, or through ride-hailing apps rather than driving themselves.
- Methanol Poisoning: Recently, there have been growing concerns across Southeast Asia, including in Viet Nam, regarding methanol poisoning, primarily from illicit alcohol production. This presents a significant health risk. Travellers are advised to consume alcohol only at reputable, licensed establishments and avoid homemade alcoholic beverages.
- Ban on E-Cigarettes: Please be aware that a new law, effective from the beginning of this year, prohibits the possession and use of e-cigarettes in Viet Nam. Violators may face fines of up to 2 million VND (approximately USD 78).
Nearest Medical Services
If you are feeling unwell during the event, we recommend limiting in-person participation and opting for virtual attendance from your hotel room. Should you choose to attend any in-person activities while unwell or after exposure to someone who is ill, we strongly advise wearing a properly fitted mask to minimise the risk to others.
For medical assistance with minor-to-moderate illness or injury during the event, local staff will be available to guide you to the nearest medical services: the Hong Ngoc General Clinic, which operates daily from 7:30 AM to 5 PM. This clinic is located on the 10th floor of the Landmark 72 Tower, the same building as the convention centre. For more details about the services offered at Hong Ngoc, please visit this link.
In case of a medical emergency, please dial 1900-636-555 (24-hour hotline) from a local phone to access Hong Ngoc’s private ambulance services, which will take you to the 24-hour Hong Ngoc Hospital, a short drive from the convention centre.
Hotel Booking

InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72 (Event Venue)
Situated at the heart of Hanoi’s new Central Business District, InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72 is the highest luxury hotel in Hanoi, atop the iconic Landmark72 Tower. The conference centre on Level 5 of the building is also the event venue for the APAC DNS Forum 2025.
To book a room using our events’ preferential rate, please visit the official hotel reservation link and enter the Group Code “K54” under “Rate Preference”. Room rates start at US$200++ for a King Classic room. Kindly note that rooms are subject to availability and on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Other Suggested Hotels

ICANN’s mission is to help ensure a stable, secure, and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an address – a name or a number – into your computer or other device. That address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a nonprofit public benefit corporation with a community of participants from all over the world.
ICANN Website
Viet Nam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC), with the vision of “Internet for All”, manage and promote essential services based on critical Internet infrastructures and Internet resources (ccTLD, NIR, DNS, Internet Exchange, WHOIS…) in line with the development trend of the next generation Internet; orient community to provide reliable information and new services using Internet resources; promote the safe and sustainable Internet development.