Info: APAC DNS Forum 2023 Q&A Questions

Co-author: Jia-Rong Low, VP Stakeholder Engagement and Managing Director - APAC, ICANN
Co-author: Wilson Wong, Chief Executive Officer, HKIRC

APAC DNS Forum will provide great insights and food for thought

With the APAC DNS Forum 2023 approaching quickly, we asked the organizers, ICANN’s Jia-Rong Low and the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation’s Wilson Wong, what attendees can expect and what they personally look forward to.

There are many conferences to choose from in the Internet governance space. What makes the APAC DNS Forum 2023 special?

Jia-Rong Low: We launched the APAC DNS Forum last year. However, this year is our first in-person Forum and therefore we’ll have many industry, policy, and community members coming together for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic.

The APAC DNS Forum is special: It’s not just another annual event, but a regular “platform” or “space” for the regional DNS and Internet community to discuss current issues, exchange best business practices, and network. What’s more, the Forum is not an ICANN-only effort, but a cooperation with regional partners, such as the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation (HKIRC) this year, and the Malaysia Network Information Centre (MYNIC) last year. The forum’s agenda includes various activities related to the DNS regionally – both virtually and in person –to keep the regional community informed on the key issues, including cybersecurity and the latest technological developments.

Wilson Wong: The APAC DNS Forum 2023 stands out for several reasons. Firstly, it’s an excellent platform for participants to discuss a wide range of topics related to the DNS, including policy, technical, and operational issues. This makes it an ideal space for industry experts, policymakers, and researchers to exchange ideas and best practices related to the DNS.

It also features a diverse range of topics related to Internet development, including what the Internet adds to the digital economy. Through these discussions, the Forum intends to promote a better understanding of the Internet’s role in driving economic growth and development in the region.

The APAC DNS Forum 2023 is a collaborative effort between ICANN and HKIRC. What can participants expect from this cooperation at the APAC DNS Forum?

Jia-Rong Low: We are coming to the beautiful city of Hong Kong, which is also a tremendous regional business hub. As ICANN, we are gathering the regional DNS experts, while our HKIRC partners draw on their network to bring in individuals and organizations from Hong Kong’s corporate sector. As the DNS ultimately serves the Internet user including companies who use it to reach their customers, it is a “coming together of the minds” in a hub like Hong Kong.

Wilson Wong: The APAC DNS Forum 2023 is a true collaborative effort between ICANN and HKIRC. I am excited about the benefits our cooperation and our pooled expertise, resources, and networks bring for our participants.

Participants can not only gain insights into the latest developments in the DNS and Internet governance, learn about industry best practices and strategies from experts and stakeholders from around the world. The forum also serves as an open platform for discussions on a wide range of topics related to the DNS, including policy, technical, and operational issues.

What is a personal highlight or one thing you are especially looking forward to at the APAC DNS Forum 2023?

Jia-Rong Low: Aside from the stimulating sessions and discussions, personally I’m most excited to get together with the APAC community again. We, in the APAC community, are sometimes viewed as reserved and shy, however we’re actually a really friendly bunch and we support one another particularly on international Internet governance issues. I look forward to refreshing connections with the community and meet newcomers. It’s going to be fun!

Wilson Wong: As a participant, I look forward to hearing the latest perspectives from our diverse set of experts and thought leaders about where we stand and where we’re going as the DNS and Internet governance community. And as one of the organizers, after all our joint planning, I honestly can’t wait for the APAC DNS Forum 2023 to get started!

Jia-Rong Low is ICANN’s Vice President Stakeholder Engagement and Managing Director, Asia Pacific.

Wilson Wong is the Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation.

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